Hcg levels past ectopic past miscarriage/chemical












my period my supposed to start the 22nd. I tested on the 18th and got a positive. A little bit of a backstory before I continue, in November of 23 i had a miscarriage and or chemical they could never confirm which one it was, and then in june of this year i had an ectopic pregnancy which required surgery and i ended up having my left fallopian tube removed, but was able to keep my ovary. Which brings us to now, i had hcg drawn on the 20th of august and they were 70 i had them drawn again on the 26th to be at 478 and then i had them drawn again yesterday and also had an ultrasound my levels came back at 1388, the ultrasound showed a intrauterine pregnancy with the gestational sac being 4mm and no yolk sac or fetal pole seen, i know i am early and it’s definitely to early to see baby via ultrasound. She measured the gestational sac to be about 4w5d. But i have had discharge that is like mucus and or jelly with a tint of brown and pink/ red? Im trying to be hopeful but im very doubtful and don’t know what to think or feel atm. Any thoughts or positive words on this would be appreciated.