Where do I even start with skincare?


I'll be turning 29 in a couple months, so I think it's definitely time I get into a skincare routine! (I mean, I probably should have started a few years ago). I just have NO CLUE where to start. I do have this serum that I've used off and on for several years. I have large, dark scars on my chest and it helps with the coloring of those when I use it consistently (I just fall out of routine easily). I've always had really great skin and hardly ever get acne, even as a teenager, but I'm really wanting to get on this now because I noticed some faint wrinkles along my smile lines and between my eyebrows lately. As well as dark circles under my eyes. I've started using that serum I have in all of those places. It's supposed to be an all around face serum. At night, I'll put it directly on my skin and in the morning I'll mix it with my moisturizer. I do have dry skin around my T zone, but the rest of my face is pretty normal. Not overly dry, oily, or anything. I get overwhelmed and give up when I just blindly research this, so if y'all could please give me some pointers on where to start with my research, I would appreciate it so much!