Disgusting Problem - Please help lol

Hey so I’m not 100% sure how to explain this properly. About twenty minutes ago I passed gas and this neon yellow/green liquid came out. It wasn’t like mucus, it was full on liquid. I’m sorry this is absolutely disgusting to say but I’m a little bit worried for my health! Has anyone else experienced this?

I have had pretty liquid stools recently, but I’ve been cutting back on food and drinking up to five-ish litres of water a day so naturally I assumed that was the problem. Naturally resorted to Dr. Google and it was anything between IBS and cancer; so that’s good.

Any sort of knowledge or even a similar if not identical experience being shared would help me a lot because I’m freaking out a bit.

Obviously I completely understand that no one here can diagnose me with anything, and what replies I may or may not get are entirely based off of this post, but I’m just looking for any kind of advice on how not to be literally sharting glow stick fluid.
