Ovulation bleeding?


My cycles are usually 40 days long and I tend to ovulate around day 25 and my period starts exactly two weeks after the LH peak. My LH peaks are usually 1.3 or higher. I’m not supposed to ovulate until around this Friday but I had a surge on day 19 in the evening as you can see in the picture below. I’m now on day 23 and I’m having some light cramping and mild bleeding. When I wipe it’s a brown-ish color but there’s little spots of red on my sheets this morning. Could this be ovulation bleeding? This has never happened to me before. Could the surge from D19 have been from ovulation and now I’m just having post ovulation bleeding? This is just a very atypical cycle and I don’t know what to make of it. My husband and I have been TTC for 3 cycles now so the thought of me possibly having missed this cycle’s fertile window makes me so sad/mad 😭 Also I don’t know if this is relevant but my BBT since yesterday morning is about a degree higher than it usually is.