Advice please 🤍

Megan • 29 | Engaged | Patiently waiting my turn 🤍

A little run down. My fiancé & I have been together 10 years. Never protected/prevented. I’ve always had pretty regular cycles. The past couple years they’ve changed a bit. I would start spotting 7 days before my period & then bleed for 7 days on my period. I recently started seeing a new doctor (within the past year.) He put me on progesterone from CD 17 until I start my period. This does cut out the spotting before the periods. I stopped taking the progesterone for a little while and started spotting again so I know for sure when I take it, it works for that. However, no help in getting pregnant. A couple months ago I started tracking using OPKS again and realized I was not ovulating or rather not getting positive ovulation tests. I went back to the doctor and they did some bloodwork to rule out PCOS and insulin resistance. All my labs were fine. Now they want to discuss putting me on something to induce ovulation. Anyone have anything similar happen? Or any advice on what may have helped you? Also, my fiancé did have a SA done and his numbers were fine. Motility was a little lower but they said it wasn’t concerning and he started supplements recommended by a family friend who is also an OBGYN. Thank you for any input! 🫶🏼