When should I stop?

My son is almost 10 weeks old. I tried breast feeding but he had such a hard time latching on without the nipple shield and getting the nipple shield on especially at night was the worst. So I been pumping. But I went back to work so pumping every 2-3 hours is very hard to do. I get maybe 8-12 oz a day when I pump in total. So I’m a low supplier. So we had to use formula to supplement. It’s not something I wanted to do but here we are. My nipples are hurting and I just feel like my supply is getting lower. I tried drinking stuff to help production but idk I think I’m getting tired of it. Do you guys think my breast milk is even enough to keep him healthy or safe? He recently has been congested and I am also congested. I hate how he can get sick thru breast milk. He also just started daycare unfortunately. Any advice moms?