First Trimester Weight Gain

Y’all I am 13 weeks and feeling big. In my first pregnancy I was on the littler side I gained like 15-20 pounds my whole pregnancy and that wasn’t by design it’s just the way it went for me and I didn’t love it or hate it it was just the pregnancy I knew.

This pregnancy is the opposite and at 13 weeks I’m like “okay this is fine” but I feel like it’s a bit fast to be gaining soo much weight considering baby is so tiny but I’ve definitely gained 10 pounds already, maybe more in not super scale obsessed so I’m guessing but by the end of every day my belly looks like I’m 22 weeks for sure 😂 I was bigger at 10 weeks with this pregnancy than I was at 20 with my first.

I’m just wondering if anyone can relate?? Am I going to easily gain another 20+ pounds? I always thought I wouldn’t care about something like this. And so far I’m fine but I just think about this rate of gain continuing and I’m kind of nervous.

Weird thing is too is that I didn’t work out at all with my first pregnancy and now I try to work out 5x a week but it’s more like 2-3 times. (Mostly weights, some Pilates)

Anyways maybe I’m just venting but if anyone can relate it might make me feel less crazy.

I’m also hella freaking happy and grateful to be pregnant. I’m one of those “being a mom is my whole personality” now and a stay at home Mom w/ no family around and very few friends (we moved countries right before getting pregnant with baby 1) who is obsessed with my little one - can’t believe I’m lucky enough to have one baby never mind being blessed with another.