BFP after Loss


In 2022, I lost my baby girl shortly after birth. We found out she was not compatible with life at our 23 week scan. Our world shattered. She was our third and we thought she was going to complete our little family.

About 7 months we began to TTC again. We always needed ovulation meds (Clomid/femara to conceive) after months of femara and no success we were referred to a fertility specialist. 4 rounds of <a href="">IUI</a> and still not able to get pregnant. After being on fertility meds for almost a year I decided to stop, my emotions were all over the place and I just wanted to feel like me again.

6 months later I was cleaning and found a prescription of Clomid and decide I would take them on my next period and I was at peace if it didn’t work but figured why not since I already had the meds.

Today I am supposed to start my period. I took a left over pregnancy test we had from when we were doing <a href="">IUI</a>. I am in shock. And I just burst into tears. My husband is out of town until Monday. I didn’t even tell him I took the meds this month. It doesn’t even feel real. I am going to burst waiting for Monday to tell him.

My due date will be the beginning of June. I lost my sweet girl June 13, 2022. I can’t not believe it and just praying everything goes smoothly.