Please be pregnant this HALLOWEEN 🖤🎃🧡




Alright so last cycle a couple of us ladies formed a pretty great group and having each other there to talk to about our symptoms, frustrations, line eyes, etc. was amazing!!

So I wanted to do an October month group! Get everyone together and to find someone that is close to our cycle, to be able to ask questions and not feel judged BUT heard, and have people in our corner during the dreadful wait to see if October is the month we end up pregnant! 🤰

I’m putting huge baby dust vibes in this group! I can feel the positives that will come from it! ✨✨✨✨✨✨

So anyone can join! It’s a new month for us all! Whether you are in your TWW already, on your cycle, or even around ovulation, we’re here ☺️

So happy October ladies! Here’s to a new month! And here’s to getting pregnant before Halloween!! 🎃 👻