10dp5dt negative!

Ive been pregnant before so I had a feeling it hadn't worked. After the worst year last year having a missed misscarraige after already seeing a heartbeat I was heartbroken as just did not expect it. Decided to do a round of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> as it had already took a couple of years to fall, got plenty of eggs but only 2 embryos were good enough. First transfer was a blighted ovum, again something else I wasnt expecting. Then beginning of this year fell pregnant but misscarried and ended up being a partial molar. Now our last embryo didnt stick so feeling totally defeated. Hoping to get my cycle back on track and will see what happens naturally for us, hopefully next time is better news for us. Sending love to anyone who is going through the same thing!