Mid cycle spotting?


Has anyone had mid cycle spotting that went on for days and days? It started right before ovulation 10/2 and is still going? It’s old blood, nothing red… some pink but it’s only when I wipe. I haven’t needed a pad or anything this week but it hasn’t stopped?

I do have pcos but this has never happened to me 😂 also to add, i got a positive opk 10/3 and it did take a couple days to come down but now it’s back to peak 🤦🏼‍♀️ so im not sure if my body is just trying its hardest to ovulate or It’s another cyst ? Having pcos I’ve had ultrasounds done and have seen the “string of pearls” cysts and have had them rupture and idk it’s just not that if you know what i mean 😂

Has anyone had a cycle like this?