Haaka or pump?

Ladies my little guy is 4 days old and he nurses really well but can’t transfer Milk from breast over. So I’ve had to supplement with my milk during every feed with a syringe or you can call it an SNS. This is a lot of work and now his jaundice levels are higher. Have you guys introduced bottles this early? I’m afraid he won’t go back to the breast. How do u get a newborn to latch and transfer correctly? I also have a haaka and I’m getting 2-4 ounces out on each breast when he nurses. I was told in the hospital to pump but when I do I only get 3 oz total in 20 minutes between both breast. So my question is can I just continue the haaka instead of pump? And give him all the extra milk thru bottle after attempting to breastfeed? Has anyone’s babies had this issue and if so did they ever transfer milk over? I would prefer to breastfeed over haaka and pumping. Thanks ladies