Suggestions please


My daughter is 3 and will be 4 in April. She constantly gets up during the night. Almost every single night. Some nights she does good and she’ll only get up to use the bathroom and maybe once more because of a dream but then will go right back to sleep. Some nights it’s takes an hour or two for her to finally fall asleep. Some nights she goes to sleep in a fair amount of time but then is up all throughout the night. I do well with keeping her bedtime consistent. Dinner, bath, then 1 story and in bed by 8. I’ve tried letting her cry it out, but that doesn’t really work plus I have a five month old sleeping in the room with us so when she bursts in the room crying she wakes him up. I have tried sitting by her bedside patting or rubbing her back until she falls asleep, which works some nights and then doesn’t work other nights and I’m stuck patting her back for an hour or more. I’ve tried putting her in bed, sitting by her bed for about ten minutes and then saying “Ok I’ll come back to check on you in a few minutes” and then I’ll go do something come back in 10 or 15 minutes or so and if she still isn’t sleep I’ll repeat the process, sit with her a few minutes, tell her I’ll be back etc etc. once again this works sometimes and then sometimes it doesn’t. She wants to sleep in the bed with us and I rarely give in but sometimes I’m too exhausted to put her back into her bed. I’m so tired of being exhausted and cranky because I also get up three time a night to nurse my baby. If anyone had any suggestions please. Maybe I’m doing something wrong maybe I’m missing something?