Am I having implantation bleeding?


I was supposed to have my period on 3/5 but started having dark brown discharge type bleeding on 3/1 to 3/4. Pretty light not enough to fill a light panty liner and more liquidy than thick on 3/2 and 3/3. Had sex on 2/16, which my tracker shows I ovulated that day but no way to know as I wasn’t using ovulation strips. I have been off of BC for 6+ months and have not once had this happen before with my period like this, it is usually immediate heavy red flow almost on the dot when the tracker predicts it to be. Also on Thursday the 2nd I had this fluttery tingling feeling in my uterus, below my low abdomen, I know that’s not where implantation occurs but it wasn’t a feeling I have had before, very unlike a period cramp. Then on Friday I was extremely tired, so exhausted I slept and napped almost all day. I had a faint blue line on a clear blue digital test on 3/3. Yes I know those strips aren’t meant to be read by the human eye but the tiny computer in it, but online forums have mixed feelings. Took a red line test shortly after that day and it was clearly negative. Was that implantation bleeding, could I be pregnant? I am going to take a test tomorrow morning as previous tests were mid day.