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chogu✌ • God's instrument

I had a close group of friends to help uplift me. I had a mentor. You need a mother, Don't walk through infertility alone. None shall be barren among you says the Lord.

Do you believe in spiritual warfare? I do! The past years of infertility was tough. It's not big overwhelming issues, but little things that the devil used to try to discourage me.

Here's what I did : vented, prayed, cried, asked for prayer, reached out to a mentor, said JESUS, sang, and told the devil he's not winning.

Today God has proven beyond reasonable doubt that he is still on the throne. I became a mother of children. The bible recorded that Hannah became the mother of 5.

You are next in line!

Why share this? Because we need to share the tough days along with the good days. We need to know that others struggle too.

So here I sit, letting you know, we will have tough days, but don't give in to the negative! Turn your eyes to Jesus, feel what you need to feel, and keep moving forward.

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