Has anyone experienced this?


I'm 34 weeks pregnant with baby number 4. It's been a difficult pregnancy, I bled for the first 6 and a half months, so I was also on bedrest. Finally things started feeling "normal", then this last week I've had minor cramping off and on. I've just assumed it was braxton hicks, because it's not painful or consistent.

Well last night I started cramping, and though it wasn't painful, it was definitely uncomfortable if that makes sense. So, I went to bed early thinking I just needed to rest. But I woke up still cramping, and it was starting to hurt a little. To be safe I called my doctor who ended up being out of town, so they told me I should go to the er, especially since I'm considered high risk.

After 2 hours of monitoring baby, she thankfully looked really good, but none of the cramping even registered on the monitor. How could that be? Doctor checked me, and I'm only dilated to a 1. He said that just because the monitor didn't show contractions that it didn't mean something isn't going on. He said he has seen women have the same thing and then that night they're back in full blown labor. So, since I'm high risk he put me on bed rest, which majorly sucks. They did run some labs also, but I'll have to wait for results.

I'm praying it's just nothing, but it's also frustrating to not know either way. Has this happened to any of you?