Supply help!

I really need some advise on how to up my supply. I had my baby November 8th and while in the hospital I couldn't get my baby to latch. I had way to many people telling me what to do and how to do it so I became very overwhelmed with breast feeding. Since then I have been trying a couple times a day to get her to latch, as well as pumping every three hours. I honestly just want her to latch so I can breast feed but she gets so frustrated and it makes me sad! Usually when I pump I get 3-4 ounces total. I've tried everything from fenugreek, mothers milk tea, to being prescribed Reglan. I read up on stories of other ladies and was too scared to take it because of the side effects. I swear every time I try taking fenugreek and mothers milk tea supply goes down to 2-2.5 ounces total. I don't know what to do anymore!😔 I want my baby to get breast milk, I want her to latch. Ugh!😔