Any advice with work stress ??

I started working at my job a year ago. I was really excited because I finally found a full time job where I make good money and have benefits. But right now, I’ve been feeling so depressed and stuck because of my job.

I have a job where you can easily make mistakes. So you have to be careful. You deal with customers money. I have made mistakes where I have gotten SCREAMED at by my boss. My co workers make mistakes as well. So it’s not just me. But it makes me so anxious. I think about it at home. And sometimes can’t sleep because I’m nervous that the next day when I go into work, I’m gonna find out that I made a mistake the day before.

Also, the work environment is toxic. The supervisor is extremely immature. Even tho she’s in her 40s. She talks badly about all of the employees.

I have applied to other places but it hasn’t gone anywhere. I really don’t want to be a “new” person at a new job again. But idk what to do. I also want to find a job where I can make the same money or even more.

Any advice ????