Emotionally handling baby shower no shows

Is it petty of me to unfriend someone due to them not showing up for my baby shower or am I being too emotional? I have very few friends or family so it was already a small party. But One of my friends I had to text an hour after the event started and said “where are you?” And she said “I’m coming” and then texted me hours later saying she fell asleep! The other one was given 2 months notice (as she requested). Didn’t respond the multiple texts sent after the notice, then texted me back a week before the shower, (which I’m guessing she had just seen the texts so she didn’t have time to take off work) and said she couldn’t come. After writing this out I feel like they weren’t great friends in the first place. Im usually super understanding but my feelings are so hurt. I had 1 friend and 6 family members show.