Sore breast, light bleeding and cramping… but period not due IM SCARED

I haven’t had sex in 2 months. Last month I got my period(normal regular flow w clots as usual) at the beginning of March and the maybe around the 25th(regular flow w clots as usual). I figured because Feb was a short month.

My period usually comes at the end or the month. Last week my breast were sore, which I didn’t know why bc their only sore on my period, but they felt very heavy. Well 2 days ago I started bleeding, dark red no blood clots but look like I was shedding my uterus? It was tiny pieces. But not clots. I’m still lightly bleeding. Mostly during the day, in the mornings there’s nothing until I start moving around like when I’m at work.

Has anyone had 2 periods? This isn’t normal for me. I am

on prescription medicine for my allergies. When I look them up they don’t have any relation to menstrual cycles. That’s the only the lifestyle change I’ve had.