

So, I’ll start by saying my periods are like clockwork, I’ve never experienced this before.

About a week and a half ago I started having light brown when I wiped only, couple times there was stringy brown bits ( sorry graphic ), then it would go a day or so with just being enough on the tissue to say it was discoloured. Then one day it was bright red but still only when I wiped once then back to light browny-pink with some minor cramping in my lower stomach and lower back. Then yesterday only after wiping once or twice it was very a very little amount of pink on the tissue again with minor cramping and lower back cramps most of the day off and on. Now today nothing when I wipe but I have lower stomach cramps and lower back cramps. My period will be 7 days late tomorrow which never happened before. I’ve taken multiple pregnancy tests throughout the last 3 days but there negative. Did I experience implantation over the last day or so and just testing too early? :)