Controlling mother

what would you do if your mom who is quite psycho forced herself to drive you, your baby, and your fiancé home. So she pays my car insurance and she said that if my fiancé drives my car, she will call the police. My hospital will not allow me to drive myself home. I hate that I have to come home to her house. She also said that she needs to be there during my labor and delivery and is forcing her way in there, and if I do not let her in the delivery room she may threaten me. I got my fiancés mom to take me to and from the hospital instead because I didn’t want that negativity around me but she my mom may try and make a scene about it or talk his mom out of doing it.

UPDATE: I told her I was getting induced and she called everyone she could, called me all kinds of names in my face and more. She also called my bfs mom and told her not to take me to the hospital. She also took off of work when i told her i did not want her there. She is now black mailing me and saying she is going to call my bf mom and lie to her and make her not like me if i don’t let her just do whatever. She turned the car insurance off so my bf can’t drive as well. My bfs mom is now not really wanting to take me