Beyond stressed

My husband and I always kind of had a toxic relationship. It was a lot of me not being able to trust him because he’s step out and talk to other females because he didn’t feel loved and wanted and appriceated. I’m not saying I’m the easiest to be with because I’m not. I’ve been pregnant now the last 3 years of our relationship back to back practically so my moods aren’t always the greatest and I guess I can be mean, however we both have mood issues and what not. There’s times I’m nice and he’ll be a dick because he forgets his medicine and then it’s like I get in a routine of being mean and don’t realize it. ( it’s something I’m working on ) he cheated on me quite a few times and I stayed. Probably dumb for that but I do love him. However not to long ago he cheated with my best friend and had feelings for her which kinda fucked us up. I’ve made my share of mistakes and we both don’t trust each other but we were trying. I’m not pregnant with our 5th and we’re thinking of separating because we can’t get it right obviously. Encouraging words? Suggestions? Nothing negative I don’t really want to here the negative stuff. Nobody’s relationships perfect.