Backlash from pregnancy announcement

💙DeLonna💕 • Baby number 2 (this time, a girl)👶🏽 due 6/12/2020 ! 35 years old married to my childhood sweet💜. Blessed beyond belief🙌🏾
Anyone else get comments from people who were "hurt" because they found out about your pregnancy thru word of mouth or social media? My husband and I are 2000 miles away from family and so we didn't even tell them until we were sure at 3 months. Not even our parents. (We had just miscarried in July and were actually relieved we didn't have to make those phone calls home saying "we lost the baby.") now that we made it through the first trimester we first told family and hen the same day posted our announcement on social media. Well there's a couple of people who were childhood friends but now adult 'acquaintances' who felt like they should have been told in person before everyone else. One of them even wrote a paragraph on social media about how much it hurt and how she thought we were closer and that she's always been a good friend and it sucks that it isn't being reciprocated etc. Should I feel bad? Because I really don't and am actually upset that they made this moment about them. Am I wrong? Honestly, I've spoken to these people three times or less this year over the phone.  ~~~15 weeks 2 days 😁