Does this mean there behind

I applied to USF on April 28 of this year for the up coming fall semester of 2023. When I applied I submitted the application at the same time as my lab partner. We are both science major and have taken a few classes together. I am majoring in Biology and my lab partner is majoring in health science. Anyways about a week and a half ago my lab partner has received her admissions of acceptance while I am still waiting. I figured I would shoot them an email to see if there was anything missing from my application and was told everything was fine. However, they did mention that there is a delay in my application as I still had courses in progress. I feel as if it is not fair because my lab partner had and still has courses in progress since we applied. My question is is do you think that it’s an excuse for being backed up with lots of applications? Please give me your thoughts!

This is what admission recruiter advisor said:

Thank you for reaching out. It looks like the application is complete and under review. However, the most recent transcript that we received by *** college still shows some prerequisite courses in progress, in progress courses can delay the application review.Please let me know if you have any further questions.