Tmi!!!! Sorry I don't know how to tmi the picture.

So I went to the doctor today and I'll be 38 weeks tomorrow so I asked her to strip my membranes and she said she could not because that is a form of induction, but she did check me and I was at a two and she made me a three so I was at a three when we left. I went and spend a couple hours with my mom and am now just getting home well I ran to the bathroom and when I went to wipe my mucus plug came out or what I think is my mucus plug like all of it I have been loosing a lil bit at a time and today it all came again I think that's what it is. With my first two it didn't come like this. So is this my mucus plug? And if so is that a good sign I could be going into labor soon? Please share your opinions and if you lost your mucus plug how long after did you go into labor?