Wondering if a past love is worth the effort

So me and this girl been talking since we were teens. Way back when AOL chat was the only form of communication. We use to chat daily, then eventually on the phone. We had planned to meet many times. Im from NJ she from Maryland, I would send her poems, flowers on her birthday when I started work. She had family issues and I was supportive for several years. Though when a random , "Hi" text goes several days without a response or months, it time to go. Fast forward we are now in our 30s I get a random invite in Instagram. We start talking again..she tells me she still loves me but yet doesnt know how its going to work. Though she doesn't want to let me go. She is unwilling to move to big cities and my job isnt willing to be.fully remote( even though it can). I am also tenured at my work so i cant just quit. I told her we can try to meet in the middle with things but still I find myself trying to meet and it excuses again. I planned for us to go on a trip told her since January this year and she canceled last min. I wonder if its worth putting in the effort. She tells me we def meet before 2023 is over but idk.