I can’t even tell you how long it’s been going on because I’m so damn tired and I genuinely feel like it has been months even though I’m sure it’s only been like two weeks.

My LO just will not stop whining and crying. I mean- it is all day every damn day. Wakes up at 4 or 5 am in a good mood and after being awake for maybe an hour, just starts fucking crying. Yes, he is teething. He’s getting his 5th tooth in. I don’t feel like any of his teeth have been this bad. PLUS, I keep up with rotating Tylenol and Ibuprofen, teething tablets, Orajel, and give him teething toys or frozen foods in one of those pacifier looking things. Nothing I do pleases him at all. I feed him, I try to keep up with nap time (he fights sleep so hard anymore), I play with him, make sure his diaper is clean and dry… I mean nothing is helping. Except sticking him in front of Ms. Rachel which I don’t won’t to do all day.

I wanted children so badly, couldn’t have any for years, and up until this started, was even considering trying to have another. But right now I feel like a failure as a parent because all I want to do is scream literally all the time. I feel like I’m just not cut out for this shit and it makes me so sad because this is all I’ve wanted since I was little. I’m so fucking scared that I’m gonna end up like my mom was and just yell at him all the time and be angry with him all the time and I don’t want that, but the literal constant screaming, crying fits are really really wearing me down and I have no idea what to do. I have no support system whatsoever except my boyfriend who honestly makes me feel like shit when I tell him how angry I’m getting. I’m not looking for jusgement- I just need help.