Waiting game…


How long after stopping birth control pills did you all conceive?

Back story… I have been on the pill since I was 12 and got off of it 1 month ago. We are actively TTC. I took my first test 11 DPO and it was negative and then I took another one last week and same thing.

I feel a little lost already but trying to not lose all hope as I know it takes time.

I had withdrawal bleeding the week after stopping the pill and now at a month after I am 8 days late for my period, eating everything in sight, I’ve been having mood swings, and have some food aversions. My husband keeps asking me if I am pregnant. And sometimes I think I am and other times I don’t and I don’t want to get my hopes up too much.

I know that this could be hormones causing it all but any advice or tips??