2015 best year ever...till 2016

Just wanted to say 2105 was the best year of my life! I bought my first house w my perfect baby girl Cindy and then we got engaged and then our dream came true after 5 months of trying my fiancé got pregnant!!!! Now we have a wonderful baby boy on the way and he's healthy and strong and brave and I can't wait to finally meet him in person in 2016! Best moment of my life: coming home from work on break to find my fiancé in the kitchen with 3 pregnancy tests all saying positive! After months of them saying negative! It was a miracle and a dream come true and the next best
Moment of my life will be in 2016 when the baby crawls out of his hive and joins us in the world and I get to hug him and love him and hold him forever!!!!! Happy new year to all and I hope all u pregnant girls have a healthy happy baby and he/she changes your life infinitely better forever! Those of u who r trying...have faith in God, "good things come to those who wait". "Things that are impossible for humans, are possible with God."