YOU, read this

I was raped in April 2014 on my 17th birthday that resulted in a pregnancy leading to a misscarrrige. I was diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety, and severe depression after I typed up everything that happened and handed it to my doctor during a physical on June 20, 2014.

This is to all who read and answered my posts on here. The ones who thought of me for one second, wished me well, shared advice, and talked me out of leaving this Earth.

I really owe 2015 a lot to you. Through medication questions, doctor visits, hospital stays, two attempts, saving up pills to consume last summer, endless suicidal ideation, researching which way would be the quickest to go to cutting everyday. You are one positive in my life. As I write this, tears are rolling down my cheek, simply because you were one of many who aided in my healing this year and made me turn back and rethink visiting that river or overdosing. This world is better because you.

Thank you.
