Very comfused


My period didn’t come may or June. Negative tests. I tested for ovulation on the 21st June. Which was confirmed by bbt levels. Still negative tests on the 28th and 29th of June. The 2nd of July my period came. But then 4 days after it finished I started having spotting.. I tested for ovulation on Friday along with a pregnancy test, and both came back positive. I tested at 5:30pm also.

I’ve gone to the doctors, my doctor thinks it was a chemical pregnancy/miscarriage because of no period for the previous 2 months but I didn’t test positivity during that time. She is having me go for blood tests.

I’m just really confused because everything I’ve read about chemical pregnancy’s are saying heavier than normal period, and stronger cramps which I had nether, my period was normal.

I’ve previously miscarried last year, so I know the difference between period and miscarriage.

I’m hoping someone could give me some insight maybe their experience with their chemical, with their period flow for it.