Is this reflux?

My little guy is 5&1/2wks. The last day or so he's been feeding constantly which I was taking as another cluster feed but he's been spitting up a lot too. Like he's eating too much, he's not fussy about the spitting up. He's been cranky about not being on my boob but when he's spitting up so much I feel like I need to cut him off. When he clusters he won't take a paci and is generally meh. My other kids had reflux and were miserable all the time especially before and when they spit up, he's not doing that so I'm just wondering if this is reflux or could it be a slight over supply? 
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Posted at
If he's not upset about it I would vote no to reflux. 


Posted at
Doesn't sound like reflux... But could very well be the dreaded 6week growth spurt.


Posted at
I don't think it is reflux. My daughter spits up a ton when she cluster feeds. But it's just a laundry problem. Maybe talk with your doctor at the next appointment if you are still concerned 


Posted at
Thanks for your help, even though this is not my post. My baby sounds like that, and I was starting to get really worried.He's also 5 weeks and a half.