Autism question

My SIL lies to her Dr about my nieces milestones and development. But in reality my niece is showing signs of autism. I know she lies because she told me that she tells her dr that my niece is shy instead of saying that she’s over 2.5 and doesn’t use more then a few words and sounds and had a massive speech regression between 12-20months where she stopping using all words she knew, doesn’t point, repeats a few phrases, hand leads, doesn’t make eye contact, plays independently and organizes for long lengths of time, won’t play with cousins until they are playing chase or jumping off stuff, throws tantrums at every hiccup in routine and transition, won’t indicate they need help and instead will stand emotionless in one spot in pain until someone realizes it, won’t gesture in anyway beyond standing in front of what they want, cries at all loud noises, hums, seeks thrills like jumping off everything, and only eats a few foods. My SIL is aware of her daughter doing all these thing but is convinced she’s just shy or always overstimulated. I understand that might be true, and that all these things don’t mean autism. But if she is, I’d really like to see her and my SIL get the help and support needed to help my niece thrive and for my SIL to not be so stressed in any situation outside the house. What I’m getting at is, would you have a heart to heart with your SIL? What would you say?