Washing privates in front of toddler

My baby is 18 months old and I have found the only way to bathe her is to bathe her with me at the same time. I have arthritis and the whole process is so wet that it just makes/made sense for me to sit on a stool with her in her Skip Hop whale tub and for us to bathe together. I use the handheld shower and she has her own little jug. I’m directly in front of her and she copies me a lot. I often show her how to wash her arms and she’ll emulate it.

She also does a lot of her own playing too, so it isn’t purely just showing her what to do

However I’ve noticed that she’s seen me wash my private areas and now does the same but often without me telling her ie I have to tell her it’s time to wash her arms or her legs, but she randomly just starts touching her private area and just lingers there for a while.

I’ve now tried blocking myself with my huge thighs when I’m washing my private areas, but it’s kind of too late.

Have I done wrong? Is she liking the sensation of touching herself there?