Can a flu and fever affect conception? TMI..

✨Samantha✨ • Hi there! Samantha here! I`m 27. Mother of one. Working on #2! Photographer. Baby dust to all!✨
TMI! Yesterday this new year graced me with what I believe was a 24 hour stomach flu. I was vomiting all day and couldn't even keep water down and I also had constant diarrhea I also had a 101F fever and I believe I became dehydrated for a short time. I fell asleep around 8pm and woke up at 10pm and I was okay, I rehydrated and was no longer vomiting, but still had a fever. The fever has broken now and I feel back to normal this morning, I'm just wondering if the fever or sickness could affect anything if I have conceived this month? I'm due to take a test in 4 days and I have a lot of symptoms so I'm just worried :/ any help or insight would be great, thank you and baby dust to everyone :)