M.I.L says the dumbest comments & i think she does it on purpose! 😭💔

lovetheglam • Poshmark Reseller 🙋🏽‍♀️
I swear my mil comes up with the dummest things just because she knows it gets under my skin! 
The worst part is that she tries to sound innocent about it infront of my fiancé so that he doesn't think is offensive or purposely. 
We went to my family's house for new years, & a close family friend asked me how far i am , i told her I was 22 weeks , we laughed bcus she's like ok how many months is that!? So i told her 5months. My belly is really small, & my black dress was not helping my baby bump. So we leave and we are on your way home in the car, his mom was sleeping  over our house that night. I am speaking to hubby about how  it annoys me a little  that people keep telling me my belly is too small. Like hello i am a first time mom! It takes longer to show. His mom ofcourse ear dropping wants to getin our   conversation, and said  " you are not 5 months, you must be off with the months, your belly is too small for 5 months, plus you don't look like you've gained any weight" i just looked at my husband so that he can respond for me because i was fixing to be over the top rude ! He told her "what are you talking about obviously the doctor confirmed it. 4 months ago!! " And she responds "they must be wrong, they made a mistake" so i had to jump in , and told her to count from September on to today which was already January 1st. I added the "Use your fingers" in a very sarcastic way, at this point i didn't care if i was being rude or not. Thats 5 months right?! And if you want to get technical MY doctor actually counts it as 6 months because she counts the month of conception aswell which was August. (Like dont you have 4 kids lady!? Shouldn't you know this?! ) She couldn't take the fact that she was shut down so she thru in the, " the baby is going to be really small because you barely eat and you are not putting any weight on you" again my hubby tells her "the baby is fine and healthy she goes to appointments every 4-6 weeks, they also always measure the baby and check the weight"  She kept going but at that point hubby and i started to ignore her by talking about our beautiful babyboy amongst ourselves. I love that he defends me and jumps in to help. Before we go to sleep we always sit in bed and say our highs and lows about the day. I mentioned that part in the car for the low because it made me feel a bit uncomfortable, right away he stopped me and said "babe she didn't mean it like that!" I shut down and went to bed, definitely didn't help seeing her at my house the next day. I did not leave my room all day until she left. He doesn't see it, but i am a woman and us woman have very strong institutions, we just know when another woman is trying to be shady.