Wondering if anyone’s babe is like this.

I have an 18m old little girl. I’m wondering if I should talk to her dr because I’ve noticed some things are way different than her older sister. I.E.

- anytime we are anywhere other than home she screams and cry’s. We can’t go in stores or restaurants anymore because of it.

- when she gets angry it’s over the top angry, yelling, screaming, biting, hitting, punching, clawing ect. It’s so bad that she has actually hurt me. She did this today when all I did was put her on her car seat.

-she doesn’t respond to her name 75% of the time, it’s almost like she’s ignoring you. She does on occasion though answer to her name.

- she only uses 1 word religiously which is ball. She has said mama, dada, apple, hi, bye. But she doesn’t use them after a bit. Mama was her first word but she hasn’t said it in months.

- she walks on her tip toes a lot.

- she is trying to learn sign language she signs more, apple, milk.

-she points to a lot of things but really only because she wants to go or she wants whatever it is.

-she always is grouchy. It’s almost like she never has a good day. She wakes up upset and she goes to sleep upset. She won’t ply with other kids. She just stairs at them.

-if her sister is trying to play with her she gets extremely upset and screams at her and throws whatever is in her hand.

- she moves her head left to right or up and down and rotates her wrists when she is whining or upset.

My oldest never did any of this and I know every baby is different but I just wanted to know if anyone’s baby does this stuff too?