Newborn and Holiday Plans


Hi everyone! 36 weeks with baby #2. Baby 1 was born in January so we kind of lucked out and didn’t have any big family events for quite some time. However this baby is due early September and therefore he will be a newborn through the holidays. We received my mother in laws message today about family Thanksgiving, setting the date, asking who is coming and what they can bring. Baby will be about 2.5 months old for Thanksgiving and 3.5 months old for Christmas which is also in the midst of cold, flu, RSV season. I’m just not comfortable taking him around more than our immediate family (siblings and parents) for the first 6 months or so. I would like several rounds of vaccines and for flu/RSV season to wind down some first.

So my question is, has anyone encountered similar before and how did you talk to family about your needs and the decision to keep babe safe? This is more a question regarding my in-laws. I just told my parents up front a few weeks ago and they don’t really care and completely understand and they will probably avoid big events too honestly because they babysit for us. My concern is my husbands family, as he feels he will be shamed for not attending. I suggested we schedule for a private dinner with parents and siblings prior to the extended family event so that we still have the holiday together. I think he’s still concerned about the comments his mom and sister will make. 😕