Can teething cause vomiting? Or something else wrong?

My baby is 11 months. For 3 weeks he has had some discomfort when eating, he does this sputtering thing that if I keep feeding will turn into vomiting his stomach contents. So he’s barely had 50-60% of his normal daily intake for a few weeks. He has no fever, no mucus, feels fine. It’s just this sputtering/vomiting/ unable and unwilling to eat much quantity. He will drink milk if he’s sleepy enough, maybe bc when he’s sleepy he’s less aware of the discomfort? There was a bit of mucus in the vomit at first, so we assumed that it was a little bug that he was just getting out. But it’s persisted and I’m wondering if teething can cause this? He’s consuming enough not to lose weight, and we are getting enough hydration in, and again there’s no other signs of sickness. Teething?????

My ftm anxiety/fear is that he ate something he shouldn’t like foam or something off a toy (haven’t identified where/how anything like that could happen) and it’s somehow just mildly blocking the espophagus so he sputters when food goes down? I know that might sound crazy lol I’m just worried. I’m going to take him into the pediatrician but I was waiting it out a bit bc since it’s my first, and I’ve had the tendency to take him in for every little thing and I’m not trying to be a hypochondriac. But yeah experienced moms… have you seen your baby sputter food like this where they can only eat small amounts or they will throw up, without any signs of sickness? And can teething he a possible cause?

If you read this, thanks lol.