The pain is gone!


Ok mamas.

I had an ultrasound at 34 weeks and my baby was breech at the time. I wanted to make sure I did everything to help him flip. One of the thing recommanded was a chiropractor certified with the Webster technic, so i found one and booked an appointment.

Well, I had been in a lot of pain in my sacrum since about mid second trimester. I had a hard time getting up and laying down, same with getting in and out of the car because my tail bone/sacrum hurt so bad. Sometimes my right leg would give in from sharp pain.

Not only was I not aligned and my pelvis twisted (which can prevent baby from turning), my right leg was now shorter than my left dur to the twisting.

I got adjusted for the first time Tuesday, and the same afternoon most of the pain was gone. I went back today again and will go back again next week.

Don’t do like I did. If you can afford it, get fix. Don’t deal with the pain thinkibg it’s normal pregnancy pain.

Just wanted to share in case I help someone.