We struggle to get me to climax


Whenever my boyfriend and I have sex, he has no trouble climaxing, but I struggle big time. Most of the time I don't climax, but I'm satisfied because I like it rough and get tired. I've brought up toys on occassion, but he peacefully turns down the idea with "that toy costs too much" or, and this only came up once in our 3 years together, it's not me satisfying you (somthing along those lines). He's gotten good at putting the effort in foreplay to make it more pleasurable for me thusfar, but he always finished before me and I'm left to finish myself (which still takes me 10-15 minutes). When he tries to pleasure me with his hand he ends up going too heavily handed for me and I have to tell him "gentle" and its like he wants to give up every time I do that. It's hard to communicate how he can help me. What are some ways I can suggest the use of toys without making him feel less involved or successful? I need some solutions.