Cerebral palsy


Anyone on here have experience with their child being diagnosed?

My son hasn’t been diagnosed yet but it’s definitely a high possibility. He’s high risk due to being 3 months premature. Everything was done that could help prevent it (mag drip, caffeine therapy, steroids for the lungs..etc).

He’s showing signs and every appointment with doctors they’ve been bringing it up more and more. So we feel there’s a strong chance of diagnosis soon.

He turns 11m on September 3rd. Which would make him 8m corrected age in about a week.

He still can’t sit independently. He’s not even close. That’s the biggest sign we have at the moment. His movements are very squirmy. He’s working on crawling but not up on all fours yet…just pulling knees up while on his tummy.

He can stand flat footed with support. He can walk forward flat footed in a walker (he doesn’t go in it often). He rolls both ways and gets around well that way. He plays very well.

He is in physical therapy and has been since March. It’s the only support he needs at the moment and he does get assessed regularly.

Me and my SO are feeling a bit overwhelmed with the idea that he may be diagnosed. Obviously we can’t change things and we are doing everything we can for him regardless. It is what it is but it’s still scary. That’s our tiny T-Rex.

I’m beating myself and feeling a sense of failure because he was premature due to my stupid cervix not being able to carry a baby to term. I know that’s silly but my body failed him and that just sucks.

We are doing our research and trying to be prepared for just in case.