Multiple defective test

Elizabeth • Mommy of one beautiful girl, and twin boys (:

I took a pregnancy test this morning, and within the 10 minute mark, like the instructions said, a line that was supposed to be vertical, was horizontal and had a double line there. So defective. I took the second one and at the 10 minute mark, no lines at all. Eventually it did run through and again, horizontal where a vertical line is supposed be. Again, defective. Like what? Ran to get more tests. The clear blue test, after 5 minutes l, had no lines! I had my urine in a cup so it's not like I missed the stick. I counted the Mississippi's and I read the instructions 5 times to make sure. I've taken soooo many tests so it's not like I don't know how to. But what is up with these pregnancy tests lately? They are absolutely garbage. All the tests had expiration dates of 2025. I'm panicking. I do not want anymore children. I love the ones I have now. My husband had a vasectomy 7 years ago. These are the tests taken at the 10 minutes. Got from Publix. I have googled everywhere about dye runs. What are the chances this happens twice in a row with two different urine samples?!? I'm testing again in the morning with different tests from a different store.