pcos diagnosis


hii so i went to the doctors for the first time about two months ago. i had a pelvic scan done because ever since i started my period (around 6 years ago) whenever i’m not on birth control i get the worst period cramps ever. some days i can’t even get out of bed. i noted that when i was getting the scan done the guy that was doing it stopped to write something down as a note while doing it. i asked him if it was alright and he told me that it looked alright . when i went to the doctors for the follow up and for him to communicate what the experts saw he said that it was all good. i specifically asked him about the scan because i was worried about it and he told me it was practically perfect. i go home and a few days later get the results in the mail as we had asked for them to be sent over. the paper says that i have pcos. i confirmed that this is the real diagnosis.

is pcos not a big deal? why would my doctor not have mentioned this during my visit?

i am looking into it and i feel as though this pcos diagnosis is linked to my weight (i am very overweight. weigh around 180 at 5’3”). my weight specifically was a concern to him.