Good thing you don’t need to take a test to be a parent.

Today my kid’s school had a last minute (literally 2 minutes before we walk out the door) 2 hour delay out of caution after an unsubstantiated threat was made. They didn’t provide us much information and ultimately let us know all 20 something schools in the district were swept by the police and school was good to start after the 2 hour delay. I weighed my options with the information I had. I confirmed with some teacher/police officer friends who also had children in the district that it was safe and they were all sending their kids to school, so I felt comfortable and sent mine.

I know another parent who decides to post she wasn’t sending her kid, not because of a safety decision, but because she was mad the school didn’t know about the threat and call about the delay earlier (she was already at the bus stop when she got the call) and communicate an updated bus schedule, on a TWO. HOUR. DELAY.

Out here raising two whole children, two future members the voting population. Can’t figure out what time a bus would show up after a two hour delay. God Bless America and the American Education System.

**edit** Ya’ll are so pretty. Bless your little hearts. We have delays here all the time. Shits pushed back 2 hours at least 10 times a year for different reasons, for literal decades, our bus routes and times don’t change, they’re just moved back, by two hours on the dot. This woman is an idiot. I didn’t include the 50 other reasons she’s a terrible parent. Ya’ll get worked up over everything. I thought this was an eye roller, so I shared it. Now I think there are more eye rollers out there then I ever thought possible. 😂🧐🤪🫣