A story that I thought will end this way


Before I gave birth to my son I met this old lady (60’s) old in the park close by to my house. She was nice and very communicative friendly lady. I loved talking to her. She even met my mom and my husband while we were in the park several times and we had fun. I have no family that live close by so she is the only one I talked to when my heart is heavy. Means I tell her my personal argues with hubby. Until she told me that her marriage ends 20years ago because of the same reasons of how my husband treats me. This is her advise or comment when I told her about my husband and I argued. I treated her good. I give her gifts and always polite to her. Basically, treated her like a Grandma. Until my son arrived this world. She started to try to get close to him. It was nice and dandy. My son reached the toddler age and she started to asked my son a kiss and hugs. My son don’t want to and she pull him from his arm to get close to her and force him to kiss her. I was shocked and did not say anything. I told this to my husband. I said I’m going to give her another chance because I have a friend that I told her exactly please don’t do that and she choose to left me. I don’t wanna lose this grandma but I think I am putting my son at risks. This incidents happens multiple times. Now I decided to not be close to her much. She went to my work and asked how am I doing because I don’t respond to her texts and she has not seen me for weeks. I answered her politely with made up stuff. Then today, we saw her in the park. I said Hi and she said “I have to go. See you later.” I think she got the message that I wanna create a space from her. I feel like I’m being controlled by her. I felt like she wants me to update her about my daily life. I don’t need judgement from here. I just wanna share this story and would love to hear any thoughts of you.