
I have had 3 healthy pregnancys all of which I found out after the first trimester. This pregnancy is I found out extremely early. To make a long story short according to my last period I am 8 weeks. Last night I saw brown blood when I wiped. Which I know that I spotted in my last pregnancys but I still went to the er to be safe. They did vaginal ultrasound the tech had me holding my breath a couple of times because she stated she kept seeing a shadow. After the Ultrasound the doctor came in and state that he saw the sac when something in ther but no heartbeat and that the measurements show 6w6d but I should be 7w6d so I may be miscarriaging. smh She later came back in and said my levels came back and show 161,000 hcg which is great.She stated that I may be ok but dont get my hopes up but also follow up with my dr. There is no more blood and I had no cramps. I have never miscarried before. I am extremely scared. I pray everything is ok. Could they be wrong? Have any one else had this experience where everything was fine?