Scared to test

So I'm officially LATE. My cycle normally last 27 days, well here I am at 33 days and I'm terrified to test yet because I don't want to see the BFN. I'm always on time and glow is at most three days off from my actual start date each month. I have had a test sitting under my bathroom sink for about five months once I had a scare back then and bought extra tests just to be sure. 
I've got a lot going on this new year with the wedding in May, I'm going back to school starting on the 19th, I work full time, we have to fight with his ex wife for him to get to see his three kids and I have a 9 yr old who can be a huge handful when it comes to school work. Needless to say I'm a very busy woman. 
And while we weren't trying very hard to get pregnant we were doing nothing to keep from becoming so. I'm still scared as he had voiced concerns that his ex wife might try to harm me if she found out I am expecting…