
I was diagnosed with pcos about 10 years ago (25 at the time).. I didnt really have symptoms except for being overweight, irregular periods (long cycles with no period or excessive bleeding for weeks) and a slightly elevated testosterone level. We finally (4 years later) found a wonderful dr who listened and he started me on birth control and metformin, then 6 cycles of clomid and we moved on to femara.. we got pregnant the 2nd month. My son was born in 2017 and since he was born my periods have been mostly normal. Normal cycle length, normal bleeding. We recently started "not preventing" baby #2, its been about 3 to 4 months and nothing yet... i dont do opks or BBT, i mostly go by my body and CM. We tend to BD during the fertile window but somehow miss ovulation day and im feeling discouraged. We are 6 years older (35 and mid-late 40s), my hubby never had to get tested before because he had 2 kids already. I was really hoping for it to just happen since my cycles are much better and ive recently lost some weight but ive been reading about people having periods but not ovulating.(could that be me? I dont think so because i have "ovulation pain" that correlates with the dates) Should i give it a few more months or just go to my dr (diff dr than our original) for femara again? I need some advice Sorry for such a long post, thank you and baby dust for everyone ♡ ✨